Are You Dealing Your Producers a Winning Hand? (Blue)
Date & Time
Thursday, October 18, 2018, 11:20 AM - 11:45 AM
Nick Kormos

MarshBerry data shows that only 50% of agencies have some form of a “sales process” in place. Even with a concrete action plan, many producers don’t follow it as designed.  Successful producers need explicit, motivating, and practical ways of improving their performance. Having a simple, well-defined sales process is an important first step in managing your sales pipeline and giving your salespeople the tools they need to succeed.  In this session, the MarshBerry Sales Performance Team will share ideas on how to define, implement, and reinforce your sales process so that your producers have the cards they need to win each hand.  

Location Name
Connect Learning Lounge - Condesa 3 & 4
Full Address
The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas
3708 South Las Vegas Boulevard
Las Vegas, Nevada 89109
United States
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